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Watch COMSOL Multiphysics Videos Online
The Video Gallery on the COMSOL website includes a number of video tutorials, product demonstrations, popular science topics, and more. Get an overview of what there is to watch.

The Motions and Mechanics of a Truck-Mounted Crane
The Truck Mounted Crane tutorial model analyzes the forces on the cylinders and hinges of a crane during an operating cycle, combining multibody dynamics and structural analyses.

Modeling Room Acoustics with COMSOL Multiphysics
The field of room acoustics aims to study the sound quality of a space in a qualitative way. The Acoustics Module includes features to simulate the acoustics of rooms and other confined spaces.

Simulating an Ideal Stirred Tank Reactor System
The Generic CSTR reactor type in the Reaction Engineering interface can be used to easily model continuous stirred tank reactors (CSTRs), or ideal stirred tank reactors.

Obtaining Material Data for Structural Mechanics from Measurements
Linear elastic, hyperelastic, nonlinear elastic, plasticity, creep, concrete: COMSOL Multiphysics® contains a number of built-in material models for structural analyses. Get an intro >>

Running COMSOL Multiphysics® with Cloud Computing
You want to run some HPC simulations in COMSOL Multiphysics®, but don’t have access to a cluster. What can you do? One option is cloud computing. Learn more about it here >>

Implementing a Thermostat with the Events Interface
Hot or cold? You can use the Events interface in COMSOL Multiphysics® to implement a basic on-off thermostat in your model for controlling a heat load. Get a demonstration of how to do so here.

Evaluating the Instability of a Space Arc Frame
Picture the Louvre Pyramid in France: This is a real-world example of a space arc frame. Simulation can be used to evaluate instability in this type of structure.