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Magnetic Damping of a Vibrating Cantilever Beam

January 12, 2015

We discuss modeling a cantilever beam in a magnetic field. The beam has some structural excitation at the free end, which vibrates it at a constant frequency. Get details in this blog post.

Introducing Nonlinear Elastic Materials

January 9, 2015

Examples of nonlinear elastic material models: Ramberg-Osgood, Duncan-Chang, Hardin-Drnevich, Power law, and more. We discuss how to apply nonlinear elastic materials in your analyses.

Geometry Modeling in Simulation Apps

January 8, 2015

See how to use cumulative selections and geometry parts when creating simulation apps that can be used to model geometries based on parameterized CAD models.

Bringing Multiphysics into Architecture

January 7, 2015

From the Sydney Opera House in Australia to the Vdara® hotel in Las Vegas, we discuss the potential applications of simulation for architectural development and introduce LiveLink™ for Revit®.

Implementing the Weak Form in COMSOL Multiphysics

January 6, 2015

In Part 2 of our series on the weak form equations, we demonstrate how to implement and solve these equations numerically using COMSOL Multiphysics®.

Detecting Dark Matter Axions with a Microwave Cavity

January 5, 2015

The Axion Dark Matter eXperiment (ADMX) uses a microwave cavity in an attempt to detect dark matter axions. Learn more about this project and how simulation can be applied to it.

Computing View Factors with the Heat Transfer Module

January 2, 2015

Interested in computing geometrical view factors in COMSOL®? There are operators for postprocessing that correspond to the operators used to generate surface-to-surface equations. Learn more.

Analyzing Capacitive Touchscreens in Consumer Electronics

January 1, 2015

Most of us use multiple touchscreen devices throughout the day, from our smartphones to the ATM. Learn how to use electromagnetics modeling to study capacitive effects in these devices.

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