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Peek into the Next 50 Years with IEEE Spectrum

June 20, 2014

In June 2014, IEEE celebrated the 50th anniversary of their magazine IEEE Spectrum with a special issue. In it, they look ahead to the next 50 years and what they will bring.

Powering Particle Physics Research at Fermilab

June 19, 2014

Researchers at Fermilab had an important question: Would upgrading the booster RF cavities in their particle accelerator cause them to overheat? To find answers, they turned to simulation…

Understanding Drug-Eluting Stents at Boston Scientific

June 18, 2014

Stents open plaque-blocked arteries, but when an excessive amount of tissue grows over a bare metal arterial stent, it can cause the artery to narrow again in a process called restenosis.

Computing Voltages Produced by Electromagnetic Induction

June 17, 2014

Have you ever used a “shaker flashlight”? It’s powered by voltage from the electromagnetic induction that occurs when a powerful permanent magnet inside the device oscillates due to the shaking.

Video Tutorial: Capacitive Pressure Sensor

June 16, 2014

Looking for a visual explanation of how to model a miniaturized 3D electromechanics problem? Read this blog post for a quick overview and an embedded tutorial video.

Modeling High-Performance Liquid Chromatography

June 13, 2014

High-performance liquid chromatography involves mixing a solvent from a reservoir with a sample zone containing the analytes to be separated and then pumping the mixture into an injector.

The Magnus Effect and the FIFA World Cup™ Match Ball

June 12, 2014

In celebration of the 2014 FIFA World Cup™, we show you some interesting CFD analyses of the FIFA World Cup™ match ball — and how it exhibits the Magnus effect when in play.

Air Pressure Sensor Performance Relies on a Solid Design

June 11, 2014

Ever wonder how your car can tell when there’s low pressure in a tire? Sensors are placed at the bottom of each tire hub and measure air pressure automatically while the car is in motion.

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