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Modeling Thermal Fatigue in Nonlinear Materials
2 challenges when simulating fatigue in nonlinear materials: 1.) Correctly representing the material behavior and 2.) finding a fatigue model that captures the life-controlling mechanism.

How to Integrate Functions Without Knowing the Limits of the Integral
Did you know that the COMSOL® software can solve integrals as well as partial differential equations? Learn how to integrate functions — even without knowing the limits of the integral.

The Strength of the Weak Form
Learn about the origins of the weak form equations, how to derive them from classic equations, how to express them in the COMSOL Multiphysics® syntax, and more >>

Shaping Crystals for Camouflage Surfaces
Researchers at the University of Michigan discovered a way to shape crystals with a photochemical reaction, enabling crystal structures to appear in various patterns and colors (like chameleons!)

Happy Birthday, Guglielmo Marconi
Guglielmo Marconi is best known for pioneering long-distance radio transmission and helping develop commercial radio. Learn about the life and work of the Nobel-Prize-winning electrical engineer.

Coupling Heat Transfer with Subsurface Porous Media Flow
Part 2 of the Geothermal Energy series: We couple heat transport and subsurface flow processes to determine the thermal development of the subsurface due to geothermal heat production.

Natural Frequencies of Immersed Beams
A guest blogger from Veryst Engineering demonstrates the modeling of a cantilever beam immersed in a fluid to study its natural frequencies. Read it here >>

Tips for Using the Wall Distance Interface
The Wall Distance interface can be used to calculate the distance to the nearest wall or detect when a moving object will hit a wall. Learn how to implement this interface in CFD simulations.