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Selecting First Gear: Investigating a Classic Car Gearshift Mechanism

March 4, 2014

Follow along as we perform a multibody dynamics analysis of the gearshift mechanism in a classic car. Read to hit the road?

PEM Fuel Cell Modeling Examples

March 3, 2014

What can you study in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell? Mass transport, ohmic losses, temperature distribution, species transport, serpentine flow…should we keep going?

How to Model Thermoviscous Acoustics in COMSOL Multiphysics

February 28, 2014

Want to solve your acoustics model for acoustic pressure, velocity, or temperature variation? Enter the Thermoviscous Acoustics interface, which offers a simple and accurate way.

Theory of Thermoviscous Acoustics: Thermal and Viscous Losses

February 27, 2014

Here’s your comprehensive introduction to thermoviscous acoustics. Topics covered include theory, physics, boundary layers, bulk losses, attenuation, and narrow region acoustics.

Buoyancy-Driven μPCR for DNA Amplification

February 26, 2014

True crime + simulation: The more DNA in a sample, the easier it is to accurately test and identify biomolecules, cells, and even an entire person during forensic investigations.

World’s Largest Solar Power Plant

February 21, 2014

Have you ever made the drive from Los Angeles to Las Vegas through the Mojave Desert? If so, you might have seen the world’s largest solar-based thermal power plant.

Intro to the What, Why, and How of Distributed Memory Computing

February 20, 2014

In a follow-up to our post on shared memory computing, we discuss another building block of hybrid parallel computing: distributed memory computing.

Happy Birthday, Nicolaus Copernicus

February 19, 2014

Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus first theorized the concept of a heliocentric universe. At the time, this was controversial. Now, more than 500 years later, we believe him.

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