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New Simple Mechanical Cloaking Technique

July 29, 2015

Researchers from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology developed a simple mathematical technique for designing mechanical cloaks using numerical modeling. Get details here.

Parallel Universes, Schrödinger, Hawking, Borges, and One Direction

May 7, 2015

“It would not be beyond the realms of possibility that somewhere outside of our own universe lies another different universe — and in that universe, Zayn is still in One Direction.”

Cloaking Advancements for Flexural Waves in Elastic Plates

January 22, 2015

A European research group discovered a theoretical framework to both overcome the limitations of cloaking and achieve exact cloaking for flexural waves in Kirchhoff–Love plates. Get details >>

Modeling a Complementary Split Ring Resonator with Ease

August 6, 2014

The Frequency Selective Surface, Periodic Complementary Split Ring Resonator tutorial model can be set up easily by taking advantage of periodic boundary conditions. Learn more here >>

Modeling Electromagnetic Waves and Periodic Structures

January 17, 2014

Oftentimes, it is of interest to model an EM wave (light, microwaves) incident upon periodic structures, such as diffraction gratings, metamaterials, and frequency selective surfaces.

Gaussian Beam Striking an Array of Nanorods

October 8, 2013

A Gaussian beam that is striking an array of nanorods is an example of optical scattering. Consider metallic nanorods that are very close together and have a diameter much smaller than the wavelength of a Gaussian beam that falls upon them. If the beam were to be polarized along the rods, they would act as though they were not actually individual rods, but a sheet of metal. The array is nearly transparent to the wave when it is polarized perpendicular […]

Spiral Resonator Filter Design Analysis

September 30, 2013

Wireless systems are growing increasingly thinner and more advanced. In order to keep this trend going, engineers must consider how to optimize the designs of the components that make up data transmission systems. One such component is the spiral resonator, which allows the system to communicate properly by filtering out unwanted frequencies and letting the appropriate ones through. Spiral resonator filter design can be analyzed and optimized using simulation software, as seen in a recent story from AltaSim Technologies.

Perfect Imaging, From Theory to Reality via Simulations

September 27, 2013

Perfect imaging refers to the idea of producing images with details below the diffraction limit, where even the smallest elements can be resolved to unlimited sharpness regardless of the wavelength of light being used. While just a theory 150 years ago, research has brought us closer to reality over the years. Now, by way of simulation, researchers at Cedint Polytechnic University of Madrid in Spain are taking it one step further.