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Modeling Waveguides that Support Multiple Modes
2 ways you can model a waveguide that supports multiple modes: add a PML that can be used to absorb any modes, or explicitly add ports for each possible mode.
Happy Birthday, Arne Tiselius
The “Tiselius Apparatus” could help determine the isoelectric point, molecular weight, and physical properties of proteins. Learn about the “Father of Electrophoresis” and his accomplishments.
Exploring the 4 Basic Modes of Electrophoresis
Zone electrophoresis, moving-boundary electrophoresis, isotachophoresis, and isoelectric focusing. In most cases, the physics of new electrophoretic methods can be related back to these 4 modes.
What Is the Best Way to Analyze Fuel Tank Vibration?
In a traditional approach for modeling a fuel tank, the fluid mass is dispersed through the tank’s wetted surface. A multiphysics method specifically models the acoustic pressure in the fluid.
2 Video Discussions on Multiphysics Simulation of Optics and Photonics
John Wallace, senior editor at Laser Focus World, and Chris Boucher, technical product manager at COMSOL, discuss the use of multiphysics simulation in the optics R&D community. Take a look…
A Tour of the Famous Scientists Laid to Rest in Göttingen City Cemetery
Take a tour through the history of science at the historic Stadtfriedhof city cemetery in Göttingen, Germany, to learn about some of the greatest scientific heroes of the twentieth century.
Computational Electromagnetics Modeling: Which Module to Use?
If you work with a particular electromagnetic device or application area, you might be wondering which module in the COMSOL product suite is right for you. Keep reading for a comprehensive intro.
Happy Birthday, Alice Ball
Alice Ball studied the chemical makeup of chaulmoogra oil to develop a treatment for leprosy. She is also the first African American, and first woman, to graduate from the University of Hawaii.