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Fractals, Beyond Eye Candy

August 28, 2013

Fractals are those exotic mathematical entities whose geometric properties fall between integer dimensions (1D, 2D, 3D). Space-filling curves and bounded sets with infinite perimeters fall into this category.

3D Printed Cloaking Device in a Matter of Hours

May 31, 2013

It’s been almost a year since we declared 3D printing the hottest topic in manufacturing, and it hasn’t cooled off yet. If anything, 3D printing has seen a recent surge in popularity. By now you’ve heard a lot about the technology and what you can print with it, but did you know you could print invisibility cloaks this way, too?

Taking Care of Fast Oscillations with the Wave Optics Module

May 7, 2013

The new COMSOL Multiphysics Wave Optics Module provides engineers with a great set of features for designing their simulations. One of the new capabilities included in this module is the groundbreaking beam envelope method for electromagnetic full-wave propagation. We hope this feature will become instrumental to the optics community.

Wave Optics, to Approximate or Not?

April 30, 2013

Engineers working with lasers, optical fibers and waveguides, nonlinear optical processes, metamaterials, and other large photonic devices ultimately deal with wave optics. Photonic devices are considered “large” when they are larger than a wavelength of light. In that case, you deal with optics frequencies as opposed to radio frequencies, and the device is not complex enough to justify approximating with rays.

How to Model Multiphysics in Multimaterial?

March 25, 2013

Dr. Raj Thiagarajan is a prolific producer of interesting research articles ranging from waste-water treatment to acoustics metamaterials, and lots in between. As the Managing Director at ATOA (“Atom TO Application”) Scientific Technologies, a COMSOL Certified Consultant, Raj has had to simulate all types of applications. Now he will show you how to use multiphysics simulations in multimaterial and composite product design.

Magnetic Shells Designed to Improve Energy Transfer

January 9, 2013

Engineers and scientists are known to step up to the challenges posed by nature. After developing an understanding of how the current object or process works, the next step often includes figuring out how to manipulate the situation to improve said object or process. One such example is cloaking; controlling light and sound waves to render something invisible. recently ran a story on progressive research on controlling magnetic fields via cloaking to harvest and transfer energy using a magnetic […]

Halloween Special: Cloaking Devices and Capes of Invisibility

October 30, 2012

What if this Halloween you could take your costume to the next level and turn yourself invisible? There are bounds of references to invisibility throughout fairy tales, folk lore, and pop culture. From capes and hats to cloaking devices, many fictional characters have been provided with a means for rendering themselves invisible. In the spirit of Halloween, let’s have a closer look at cloaking from a fictional and scientific stand-point.

IEEE Spectrum’s Insert Cover Story Optimizes Electronics Cooling

June 6, 2012

The June issue of IEEE Spectrum included an insert focused on Multiphysics Simulation. This included a feature on cooling in hybrid cars, articles about metamaterials, the smart power grid, as well as biomedical applications.