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Verification Model: Postbuckling Analysis of a Spherical Cap
Think about what happens to a soda or beer can when you crush it. This phenomenon is called buckling, in which compressive stress causes sudden failure in a structure.
Comparing 2 Model Files in the COMSOL Multiphysics® Software
Why compare 2 model files? You can identify and correct errors in your current model, document and check differences between two versions of a model under development, and more…
Your Guide to Lumped Ports in the RF Module
Your guide to the 4 different types of lumped ports that you can use for your RF analyses, as well as the different modeling scenarios in which each type is applicable.
Evaluating the Electrode Utilization of a Lithium-Ion Battery Pouch Cell
Large-format batteries are found in energy storage systems; electric, hybrid, and plug-in cars; unmanned vehicles; light-rail trains; and more. We discuss modeling a component of these batteries.
Calculating the Heat Transfer Coefficient for Flat and Corrugated Plates
What is the heat transfer coefficient, and how do you calculate it? This blog post includes a theoretical background and demonstration of 2 examples in COMSOL Multiphysics®.
Happy Birthday, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Today’s engineering students benefit from Steinmetz’s work on alternating currents and magnetism. How much do you know about the man behind the law of hysteresis?
Fine-Tuning the Design of Piezoelectric Transducers with Simulation
A variety of use cases and a variety of physics: Piezoelectric transducer designs need to account for electric currents, pressure acoustics, stress-strain, and acoustic-structure interaction.
How to Synthesize the Radiation Pattern of an Antenna Array
You can study and prototype a phased array antenna without analyzing the entire structure through a full 3D wave equation (saving time and computational costs) by using an antenna array factor.