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How to Include Geometry Surfaces with Solution Plots

May 26, 2014

You’ve solved your model. Now you want to include geometry surfaces with your solution plots. But how? We demonstrate the steps with an RF antenna example.

Geothermal Energy: Using the Earth to Heat and Cool Buildings

May 23, 2014

Learn how to accurately predict the thermal performance of a shallow tubing heat collector design for geothermal heating applications. Part 3 of our blog series on geothermal energy.

Intro to Corrosion Modeling for the Oil and Gas Industry

May 22, 2014

From impressed cathodic current and anodic protection to sacrificial anodes, there are several ways you can protect structures from corrosion. We discuss some modeling considerations here.

Quick Intro to Modeling RF and Microwave Heating

May 20, 2014

If you’ve attended a COMSOL webinar about an RF topic, you’ve probably seen our model of a waveguide with a bend. That’s because it illustrates microwave heating in an easy-to-understand way.

Simulating the Focusing Effect of Magnetic Quadrupoles

May 19, 2014

What’s a magnetic quadrupole lens? How do they work? How do you simulate their focusing effect? We answer these questions and more in this blog post…

Powerful Packaging for Electronics in Extreme Environments

May 16, 2014

U.S.-based Arkansas Power Electronics International is designing power packaging for improved thermal management in power electronics devices, increased efficiency, and lower costs.

Solving TEAM Problem 7 with the AC/DC Module

May 15, 2014

Have you been searching for a software that can solve TEAM Problem 7? Look no more: You can solve the problem with the AC/DC Module and COMSOL Multiphysics®.

Best Practice for Working with Model M-Files

May 14, 2014

Want to avoid repeating your work when developing models in COMSOL Multiphysics®? Here, we give a comprehensive collection of best practices for working with MPH-files.

The Electromechanical Response of a Brake Design

May 13, 2014

A guest blogger from Continuum Blue demonstrates what the consultancy can do for clients in the electromechanical brake field by modeling the electromechanical response of a brake design.

How to Model Stresses and Strains in COMSOL Multiphysics

May 12, 2014

Want to learn how to model stresses and strains in COMSOL Multiphysics®? This blog post contains an embedded video that will demonstrate the process in under 5 minutes!

Intro Model: Studying the Signal Strength of RF Coils

May 9, 2014

Electronics designers need to ensure that RF coils contained within their devices can properly transmit information from a source to its destination. Electromagnetics simulation can help.

Ammonia Synthesis, a Complex and Nonlinear Process

May 8, 2014

In the final installment of our Chemical Kinetics blog series, we discuss the complex and nonlinear process of synthesizing ammonia. Get an overview of the equations and modeling considerations.

Multiphysics Simulation: An IEEE Spectrum® Insert Now Available

May 7, 2014

The 2014 edition of Multiphysics Simulation, an IEEE Spectrum insert, features stories about engineers and designers in the power and energy industries. Get an overview here.

Modeling Superconductivity in a YBCO Wire

May 6, 2014

Many superconducting wires are made of yttrium barium copper oxide, aka YBCO, a compound that displays superconductivity at relatively high temperatures compared to other superconductors.

AMPHOS 21 on Simulating Carbon Sequestration

May 5, 2014

Carbon dioxide sequestration is a proposed solution to releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that involves storing the CO2 in geological formations. AMPHOS 21 models this process.

Video: Mechanical Analysis Accelerates Time-to-Market

May 2, 2014

“The more precise and explicit your simulations of mechanical parts and assemblies are, the less chance for product failure and delayed manufacturing runs.” Learn more in this blog post & video.

Modeling Thermal Fatigue in Nonlinear Materials

May 1, 2014

2 challenges when simulating fatigue in nonlinear materials: 1.) Correctly representing the material behavior and 2.) finding a fatigue model that captures the life-controlling mechanism.

How to Integrate Functions Without Knowing the Limits of the Integral

April 30, 2014

Did you know that the COMSOL® software can solve integrals as well as partial differential equations? Learn how to integrate functions — even without knowing the limits of the integral.

The Strength of the Weak Form

April 29, 2014

Learn about the origins of the weak form equations, how to derive them from classic equations, how to express them in the COMSOL Multiphysics® syntax, and more >>

Shaping Crystals for Camouflage Surfaces

April 28, 2014

Researchers at the University of Michigan discovered a way to shape crystals with a photochemical reaction, enabling crystal structures to appear in various patterns and colors (like chameleons!)

Happy Birthday, Guglielmo Marconi

April 25, 2014

Guglielmo Marconi is best known for pioneering long-distance radio transmission and helping develop commercial radio. Learn about the life and work of the Nobel-Prize-winning electrical engineer.

Coupling Heat Transfer with Subsurface Porous Media Flow

April 24, 2014

Part 2 of the Geothermal Energy series: We couple heat transport and subsurface flow processes to determine the thermal development of the subsurface due to geothermal heat production.

Natural Frequencies of Immersed Beams

April 22, 2014

A guest blogger from Veryst Engineering demonstrates the modeling of a cantilever beam immersed in a fluid to study its natural frequencies. Read it here >>

Tips for Using the Wall Distance Interface

April 21, 2014

The Wall Distance interface can be used to calculate the distance to the nearest wall or detect when a moving object will hit a wall. Learn how to implement this interface in CFD simulations.

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