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Two Methods for Modeling Free Surfaces in COMSOL Multiphysics®

May 15, 2018

We take you through 2 methods for modeling free surfaces in the COMSOL® software: the level set and phase field methods. Learn how to use each method and their benefits.

Happy Birthday, Inge Lehmann

May 13, 2018

Inge Lehmann was a Danish geophysicist and seismologist who used seismic waves generated by earthquakes to answer the age-old question: What’s really at the center of the earth?

The Elephants of Materials Science: SMAs Never Forget Their Shape

May 11, 2018

Learn about the history and use cases of shape memory alloys such as nitinol. You can also model the phase transformation of these unique materials in COMSOL Multiphysics®.

How to Search for a Specific COMSOL Multiphysics® Application

May 10, 2018

The Application Libraries in the COMSOL® software contain a variety of examples that demonstrate specific features and modeling techniques. Learn how to quickly search for a specific one.

Chasing Waves: The Story of John Scott Russell and the KdV Equation

May 9, 2018

It all started with a horse: Learn about the history and use cases for solitons, as well as the life and work of the naval architect behind the KdV equation: John Scott Russell.

How to Solve a Classic CFD Benchmark: The Lid-Driven Cavity Problem

May 8, 2018

We demonstrate how to solve a classic benchmark problem in the field of computational fluid dynamics, the lid-driven cavity problem, using the COMSOL® software.

How to Create Complex Lens Geometries for Ray Optics Simulations

May 7, 2018

Learn how to set up the model geometry for a complex lens system in a way that ensures an effective and successful ray optics simulation.

Happy Birthday, Jean-Charles de Borda

May 4, 2018

Jean-Charles de Borda traveled the seas in the French military before making strides in the fields of fluid mechanics, geodesy, navigation, and more.