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High-Fidelity Modeling of a Tunable Filter via Multiphysics Simulation

April 3, 2018

Tunable cavity filters can enhance the development of high-speed, wireless communication networks. To optimize these devices for such a purpose, we can turn to high-fidelity modeling.

How to Perform Multimaterial Optimization in COMSOL Multiphysics®

March 30, 2018

Does a tuning fork sound better when made out of aluminum instead of copper or steel? In COMSOL Multiphysics®, you can perform an optimization study for multiple materials to find out.

How to Use the Parameter Estimation Study Step for Inverse Modeling

March 29, 2018

This blog post includes a tutorial video. Watch it to learn the steps for performing a parameter estimation study for inverse modeling in COMSOL Multiphysics®.

Coastal Erosion Uncovers Buried Tracks from Throughout History

March 27, 2018

In 2018, a series of winter storms caused severe erosion along a U.S. coastline, uncovering footprints and horse-and-buggy tracks from centuries earlier.

Using the Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) Method for Large CFD Simulations

March 26, 2018

There’s an ideal method for solving large CFD simulations that involve complex geometries. It’s called the algebraic multigrid (AMG) method, and you can learn all about it here.

Happy Birthday, Pierre-Simon Laplace

March 23, 2018

Pierre-Simon Laplace contributed to celestial mechanics and helped develop an equation for pressure across a curved surface. He also had his demons. The Laplace demon thought experiment, that is.

Topology Optimization of a Magnetic Circuit for Loudspeakers

March 22, 2018

By optimizing the topology of loudspeaker components, such as magnetic circuits, we can develop speaker designs that are portable, lightweight, and high quality.

Keynote Video: Moving Beyond Simulation for Biopharma Applications

March 21, 2018

At Amgen, researchers build simulation applications for biopharmaceutical uses, such as researching biological and synthetic drugs. Learn more in this blog post featuring their keynote talk.