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Blog Posts Tagged Acoustics Module

How to Perform a Nonlinear Distortion Analysis of a Loudspeaker Driver

June 18, 2018

For a thorough and complete analysis of a loudspeaker driver design, acoustics engineers need to perform nonlinear time-domain studies in addition to frequency-domain studies.

What Is the Doppler Effect?

May 29, 2018

A siren passes by and you hear a change in pitch. A bug swims across a puddle, causing ripples on the surface. A star in the sky has a reddish hue. These are all examples of the Doppler effect.

Teaching Students About Acoustics Phenomena with Apps

April 27, 2018

Acoustics concepts and their underlying theories can be difficult for engineering students to visualize. For one university, simulation applications proved to be an effective teaching tool.

Finding Answers to the Tuning Fork Mystery with Simulation

April 13, 2018

If you strike a tuning fork and hold it against a tabletop, the peak frequency of the emitted sound doubles. Is there a physical explanation for this “tuning fork mystery”?

How to Use the Boundary Element Method in Acoustics Modeling

March 19, 2018

Learn advantages and strategies for using the boundary element method (BEM) for acoustics modeling. Plus, we go over a hybrid approach that combines BEM with the finite element method (FEM).

Acoustic Topology Optimization with Thermoviscous Losses

February 28, 2018

A guest blogger from GN Hearing discusses including thermoviscous losses in the topology optimization of microacoustic devices, such as hearing aids, mobile phones, and metamaterial geometries.

Analyzing the Viscous and Thermal Damping of a MEMS Micromirror

January 29, 2018

Micromirrors are efficient and inexpensive. Here, we go over 2 types of analyses for a MEMS micromirror design, frequency-domain and transient, using the COMSOL® software.

How to Use Dispersion Curves to Analyze Fluid-Filled Pipes

November 8, 2017

Modeling a fluid-filled pipe is both a time-consuming and computationally expensive process, but there’s a way to streamline the process: a guided wave propagation approach via dispersion curves.