Blog Posts Tagged Bioengineering

Designing CSRR-Based Sensors to Monitor Chronic Kidney Disease
Chronic kidney disease can be effectively diagnosed, prevented, and treated through the use of noninvasive CSRR-based sensors. Researchers optimized the design of these sensors with simulation.

Preventing Bubble Entrapment in Microfluidic Devices Using Simulation
Microfluidic devices are no match for bubbles. In fact, if bubbles become trapped in a microfluidic device, it could malfunction. Veryst Engineering created a CFD model to study this process.

Using the Discontinuous Galerkin Method to Model Linear Ultrasound
You can easily model acoustically large problems, like linear ultrasound, with a predefined physics interface that uses a memory-efficient approach called the discontinuous Galerkin method.

Keynote Video: Combining First Principles Thinking and Modeling
Bernard McGarvey of Eli Lilly and Company discusses the combination of first principles thinking and modeling at the COMSOL Conference 2016 Boston.

Study Contaminant Removal in Membrane Dialysis Devices with an App
We discuss treating renal failure with hemodialysis, analyzing contaminant concentration in a membrane dialysis device, and optimizing a membrane dialysis device with a numerical modeling app.

Designing Effective Transdermal Drug Delivery Patches with Simulation
Transdermal drug delivery (TDD) patches are more effective and convenient than traditional drug delivery methods. See how Veryst Engineering simulated the diffusion process in a TDD patch.

Analyze a Vacuum Dryer’s Speed with Multiphysics Modeling
Vacuum drying is often used to dry heat-sensitive materials such as food and pharmaceuticals. Here, we showcase a model that simulates the vacuum drying of a wet cake.

How to Model Large-Strain Viscoelasticity in COMSOL Multiphysics®
Learn how to model large-strain viscoelastic deformation, a common behavior exhibited by polymers and biological tissues, in COMSOL Multiphysics®.