Blog Posts Tagged CFD Module

Intro to Optimizing Mixer Design by Creating an App
By building a simulation app to study mixer designs, you can easily test the influence that the vessel, impeller, and operational conditions have on the design’s mixing efficiency.

How Do I Compute Lift and Drag?
Analyzing lift and drag is an important task in many industries, such as automotive and aeronautics. Learn some different ways to compute lift and drag in COMSOL Multiphysics®.

Describing the Behavior of a Thermal Mass Flow Sensor
Researchers from the University of Cambridge analyzed the dynamics of a thermal flow sensor, a component of a flowmeter, with a 3D model. Get the full story >>

Using the Boussinesq Approximation for Natural Convection
Today, we compare the Boussinesq approximation to the full Navier-Stokes equations for a natural convection problem. We also show you how to implement the Boussinesq approximation in COMSOL Multiphysics software and discuss potential benefits of doing so.

Studying the Airflow Over a Car Using an Ahmed Body
The Ahmed body is a benchmark model widely used in the automotive industry for validating simulation tools. We discuss simulating airflow over an Ahmed body to optimize automotive aerodynamics.

An Analysis of Syngas Combustion in a Round-Jet Burner
By combining the Reacting Flow interface and the Heat Transfer in Solids interface, we can study the syngas combustion in a round-jet burner. Get details…

Tears of Wine and the Marangoni Effect
Have you ever noticed that when drinking a glass of wine, sometimes “tears” fall down in the inside of the wine glass? This is the Marangoni effect in action! Learn more and see examples…

Predicting Cavitation in Journal Bearings
When designing journal bearings for use in a rotating shaft, the effect of cavitation needs to be considered, because it can affect the performance of these components.