Blog Posts Tagged MEMS Module

Video Tutorial: Capacitive Pressure Sensor
Looking for a visual explanation of how to model a miniaturized 3D electromechanics problem? Read this blog post for a quick overview and an embedded tutorial video.

Simulating an RF MEMS Switch
An RF MEMS switch is typically made up of a micromechanical bridge or cantilever, a substrate, and an electrode or dielectric layer. You can design such a device using RF simulation.

MEMS Microphone Model Presented at ASA 166 in San Francisco
What is a MEMS microphone? Learn about this versatile device, as well as how to model it using COMSOL Multiphysics® with the add-on MEMS Module and Acoustics Module.

Intro to Piezoelectric BAW Resonator Modeling
If you are using a cell phone, GPS, Bluetooth, or WiFi, chances are that they all have BAW resonators working inside them. All wireless electronic equipment use RF filters to help narrow down the frequency range they should operate within. With thousands of devices working within closely-packed radio frequencies, it is becoming increasingly important to design filters that would be able to reduce interference from unwanted frequencies, boost the signal-to-noise ratio, and lower insertion loss. Doing so may lead to […]

Ultrasonic Micro Motors, It’s all in the Shape
A while back, I wrote about permanent magnet generators and how they generate electricity upon being set in motion. When browsing the papers from our conference in Bangalore, one on the topic of ultrasonic micro motors caught my eye. These motors are electromechanical in nature and instead initiate motion with the application of an electric voltage. Furthermore, these motors are miniaturized to fit a micro-scale environment.