Blog Posts Tagged Pipe Flow Module

How to Easily Connect 1D Pipes to 3D Flow Domains
You can easily connect 1D pipes to 3D flow domains for your pipe flow simulations using a feature in the Pipe Flow Module available as of COMSOL Multiphysics® version 5.0.

Improving the Beer Brewing Process with Simulation
Which side of home beer brewing are you more interested in: The culinary side, like the recipes and ingredients, or the engineering one, like the conjugate heat transfer and chemical reactions?

Geothermal Energy: Using the Earth to Heat and Cool Buildings
Learn how to accurately predict the thermal performance of a shallow tubing heat collector design for geothermal heating applications. Part 3 of our blog series on geothermal energy.

Modeling Flow: Heat Exchanger Microchannels
Plate heat exchangers have a larger surface with respect to their volume as compared to a conventional shell and tube design, making for an efficient temperature regulation device. As the name infers, these types of heat exchangers consist of layers of corrugated metal forming channels in between. In order to optimize their performance, you need the flow through the channels to be well-distributed. As you can imagine, the flow is very detailed and modeling it can be computationally demanding, if […]

Acoustics Tutorial for Modeling Organ Pipe Design
The way the sound is shaped as it passes through the pipe of an organ is the result of a carefully calculated and intricate pipe design. Browsing through the Model Gallery, I came across a model of an organ pipe, and it happens to be a great acoustics tutorial for using the Pipe Acoustics, Frequency Domain interface in COMSOL Multiphysics. Let’s talk organ pipe design, and walk through how we can model it with multiphysics software.

Efficient Heat Exchanger, it’s all in the Pipes
Nature is full of counter-intuitive phenomena; I’m fascinated by everyday examples like the one we talked about this summer, sinking bubbles in a pint of Guinness, but I have to say that engineering has its fair share of such examples too. The concept of heat exchange in coaxial pipes struck me as a student, as it showed me the relentless tinkering attitude typical of engineers wanting to optimize their design. In this kind of heat exchanger both streams, hot and […]

The Secret Sauce in the Pipe Flow Module
We developed COMSOL Multiphysics to empower the engineering and science communities with state-of-the-art simulation tools. A key ingredient of this empowerment is flexibility. COMSOL users are already well aware of the full compatibility between various physics. This means you can put any (yes, really any) combination of COMSOL physics together. But that’s not the only way our multiphysics simulation tool is flexible.