Blog Posts Tagged Structural Mechanics Module

Predict Thermal Drift in Microwave Filters Using Multiphysics Simulation
When subjected to high-power loads and harsh environmental conditions, microwave filters can experience thermal drift. One way to predict this unwanted effect is with multiphysics simulation.

Using Low-Reflecting Boundary Conditions to Model Wave Propagation
Modeling wave propagation can be challenging. You need to balance the size of the computational domain with reflection at the surface boundaries. Low-reflecting boundary conditions can help.

Benchmark Model Helps Verify the Multibody Dynamics Module
The Four-Bar Mechanism with Assembly Defect benchmark model verifies the Multibody Dynamics Module for flexible multibody analysis.

Designing a Sensor Package for a High-G Accelerometer via Simulation
To design a piezoresistive sensor package for a high-G accelerometer, researchers turned to multiphysics analysis. They then verified the simulation results with experimental data.

Comparing Hydrodynamic Bearings with Rotordynamics Analyses
Compare the load capacities for different types of hydrodynamic bearings and determine which is best suited for your area of study by using the Rotordynamics Module.

How to Analyze Beam Sections Using the Beam Section Calculator
Simulation applications can be used as utility tools to compute the properties and parameters of a component or device. In this example, the application analyzes beam section geometries.

Keynote Video: Solving 2 Transport Process Problems with Simulation
In a keynote presentation from the COMSOL Conference 2016 Boston, Carl Meinhart from the University of California, Santa Barbara and Numerical Design discusses simulating transport processes.

Keynote Video: Locating Leaks in Pipe Networks with a Simulation App
Sebastien Perrier of Echologics discusses a simulation application used to locate leaks in underground pipe networks in his keynote presentation at the COMSOL Conference 2016 Boston.