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Blog Posts Tagged Technical Content

Why Should I Use Automatic Wall Treatment for My CFD Modeling?

June 26, 2017

The automatic wall treatment functionality enables you to use low Reynolds number models for a wider range of CFD problems, but there are some factors to consider before implementing the feature.

How to Use Model Methods to Accelerate Your COMSOL® Workflow

June 22, 2017

Methods aren’t just for enhancing simulation applications built in the Application Builder. In fact, you can create methods to streamline and automate repetitive modeling operations.

How to Use Job Sequences to Save Data After Solving Your Model

June 21, 2017

A useful but little-known modeling trick in COMSOL Multiphysics®: You can use job sequences to save data, including plot groups, results, and images, after solving a model.

How to Generate Randomized Inhomogeneous Material Data

June 20, 2017

Did you know there is a way to take randomized material data with specified statistical properties determined by a spectral density distribution and use it to generate and visualize results?

How to Analyze Laser Cavity Stability with Multiphysics Ray Tracing

June 15, 2017

If you’re looking for an in-depth example of multiphysics ray tracing, then check out this blog post about analyzing and predicting laser cavity stability in the COMSOL® software.

How to Model Heat and Moisture Transport in Porous Media with COMSOL®

June 14, 2017

Modeling the transport of heat and moisture in porous media, like building envelopes and other construction materials, is a simple process with a predefined Heat and Moisture Transport interface.

How Does the Choice of Ray-Tracing Algorithm Affect the Solution?

June 13, 2017

When performing a high-frequency optics simulation, do you use a sequential, nonsequential, or exact ray tracing algorithm? Learn how to choose to make the most of your solution.

How to Model Heat and Moisture Transport in Air with COMSOL®

June 9, 2017

First, we discuss how to model heat transport in moist air. Then, we add complexity by demonstrating how to couple heat and moisture transport in air in your simulation.