Blog Posts Tagged Technical Content
How to Evaluate Gear Mesh Stiffness in a Multibody Dynamics Model
What is gear mesh stiffness? Why is it important to account for in a multibody dynamics model? How can it be simulated with COMSOL Multiphysics? Get answers here.
Can a Stiffness Be Negative?
Have you ever encountered an FEM formulation where the force does not monotonically increase with displacement? We discuss some examples of this behavior: negative stiffness.
How to Model Electrodynamic Magnetic Levitation Devices
Is it magic or magnets? We define electrodynamic magnetic levitation and then go over how to model this phenomenon in COMSOL Multiphysics®.
Using the Domain Decomposition Solver for Thermoviscous Acoustics
Learn how to use the Domain Decomposition solver, a memory-efficient iterative algorithm with inherent parallelism on the geometric level, in COMSOL Multiphysics®.
How to Analyze Your SOLIDWORKS® Designs with an App
Combining the power of a CAD design tool with a simulation app in the same modeling environment enables the simulation to work with both in synchronicity. Learn how to do so here.
Using the Domain Decomposition Solver in COMSOL Multiphysics®
The Domain Decomposition solver is a memory-efficient iterative algorithm that works best for large modeling problems that can’t be solved with other direct or iterative methods.
Why Doesn’t the Ice Cream in a Baked Alaska Melt?
The ice cream in a baked Alaska stays frozen, even when placed in a hot oven. How is this possible? We investigate this mysterious dessert with heat transfer simulation.
Analyze the Hodgkin-Huxley Model with a Computational App
The Hodgkin-Huxley model is an advanced model for simulating action potential. We also go over how to use a computational app to streamline this type of analysis.