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Blog Posts Tagged Technical Content

Does the Current Flow Backwards Inside a Battery?

November 25, 2015

What happens inside a battery? Does the current flow from negative to positive electric potential? Here, we explain the potential profile inside a battery during discharge and recharge.

Different Ways to Count Particles in COMSOL Multiphysics

November 19, 2015

There are 3 ways you can count particles in your particle tracing simulations in COMSOL Multiphysics: during postprocessing, using accumulators, or with the Particle Counter feature.

Exploiting Periodicity in Models with High Péclet Numbers

November 18, 2015

In the study of chemical species transport, a high Péclet number means the ratio of advection to diffusion is very high. Learn how to exploit periodicity when modeling this type of problem.

How to Solve for the Brachistochrone Curve Between Points

October 20, 2015

See how to use built-in mathematical expressions, the Optimization Module, and COMSOL Multiphysics® to solve for the brachistochrone curve.

Methods for Evaluating Mass and Energy Conservation

October 14, 2015

Ever wonder how to compute the mass conservation of a fluid flow simulation, or the energy balance of a conjugate heat transfer simulation? If so, keep reading >>

Modeling Acoustic Orbital Angular Momentum

October 13, 2015

Get an introduction to acoustic orbital angular momentum and a demonstration of how to model it. Parr 2 of a blog series on modeling acoustophoretic forces.

Modeling Microresonators with Electrostatic Actuation

October 8, 2015

Learn how to model electrostatically actuated MEMS resonators and get an intro to terms such as equilibrium point, pull-in, pull-in voltage, and time harmonic response of a biased resonator.

Modeling Linear Motors or Generators in COMSOL Multiphysics

October 6, 2015

We demonstrate how to customize a linear periodic boundary condition to model linear motors and generators in COMSOL Multiphysics®, with an example of a tubular generator used for wave energy.