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Blog Posts Tagged Technical Content

Thermodynamic Equilibrium of Plasmas

February 10, 2015

Are you interested in modeling plasmas with the COMSOL® software? Get an overview of the different plasma types and when to use each of the interfaces available in the Plasma Module.

Discretizing the Weak Form Equations

February 9, 2015

In another installment of our blog series on the weak form equations, get an overview of how these equations are discretized and solved numerically in the COMSOL® software.

Why Car Batteries Perform Poorly in Cold Weather

February 5, 2015

Have you ever gone to start your car on a cold winter morning and nothing happens? The battery’s ability to convert chemical energy into electrical energy can be affected by low temperatures.

Modeling Approaches in Heterogeneous Catalysis

February 3, 2015

Get an introduction to heterogeneous catalysis, the main steps for chemical species in heterogeneous catalytic reactions, adsorption-desorption models, surface reactions, and much more…

Application-Specific: Polar, Far-Field, and Particle Tracing Plots

February 2, 2015

When postprocessing your electromagnetics models, you can use polar, far-field, and particle tracing plots to effectively display your results. Learn how to use these 3 plot types here.

Predicting Cavitation in Journal Bearings

January 30, 2015

When designing journal bearings for use in a rotating shaft, the effect of cavitation needs to be considered, because it can affect the performance of these components.

How to Compute the Acoustic Radiation Force

January 29, 2015

Did you know that objects can actually be moved by sound? This effect is called acoustic radiation, and it is an acoustophoretic phenomenon that can be analyzed in the COMSOL® software.

Using Perfectly Matched Layers and Scattering Boundary Conditions for Wave Electromagnetics Problems

January 28, 2015

Learn how to use scattering boundary conditions and perfectly matched layers to truncate domains for your wave electromagnetics problem — and which technique is best for your modeling scenario.