In 2018, COMSOL Multiphysics® version 5.4 was chosen as a Tech Briefs magazine Readers’ Choice Product of the Year. Last week, Tech Briefs magazine presented COMSOL with the award at our Burlington, MA, office — complete with a champagne toast. Since many software features come directly from user feedback and requests, COMSOL Multiphysics users themselves are a driving force behind the award. Therefore, the celebration would not be complete without raising a glass to you.
Recognition from Tech Briefs Magazine as Product of the Year
COMSOL Multiphysics was announced as one of the three Product of the Year winners in March 2019. Last week, Linda Bell and Ed Marecki from Tech Briefs presented COMSOL with the award at our Burlington office. Daniel Smith accepted the award on behalf of our Development department.
Linda Bell, editorial director of Tech Briefs magazine, presents Daniel Smith, product manager at COMSOL, with the Readers’ Choice Product of the Year award.
Version 5.4 of the COMSOL Multiphysics software, which was released in October 2018, had previously been recognized as Tech Briefs‘ November Product of the Month. At the end of the year, the magazine invited its readership to cast their votes for the product of the year out of the top products from each month — and COMSOL Multiphysics was chosen.
User-Driven Features and a Focus on Democratizing Simulation
COMSOL Multiphysics version 5.4 provides users with two new products, COMSOL Compiler™ and the Composite Materials Module, as well as various performance enhancements and new features. Linda Bell, editorial director at Tech Briefs, recalls that this year’s voters were especially intrigued by COMSOL Compiler™, a product for compiling simulation applications into standalone, executable files that can then be distributed for use by anyone in the world.
Compiled applications can be easily distributed to anyone, anywhere.
We are grateful for those who voted for COMSOL Multiphysics as Product of the Year, and we are also grateful for everyone who uses it. We welcome user feedback and feature requests for future software releases — whether during a panel discussion at the COMSOL Conference, a one-on-one conversation with a staff member at a workshop or COMSOL Day event, or through email or social media. We are always working to implement feature requests into the product — and if you didn’t see it in the latest release, it’s likely in development for a future version. When COMSOL Multiphysics wins an award, it is in large part thanks to your input.
Raise a glass and join us in a (virtual) toast!
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