Robert Koslover
Certified Consultant
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5 years ago
Sep 5, 2020, 12:18 p.m. EDT
In regard to definitions, see or .
In regard to checking the handedness of circular polarization, or for a quick/qualitative view of the orientation and ellipticity of the polarization, I usually just plot an animation using Comsol's arrow-plot on a surface capability, and watch the E vector sweep around as the wave phase varies. You can do this with the fields in/on your model volume, or you can even do it for far-field plots on finite surfaces. For example, you can do an arrow plot of Efarx, Efary, and Efarz on a hemispherical surface around the origin.
Scientific Applications & Research Associates (SARA) Inc.
In regard to definitions, see or .
In regard to checking the handedness of circular polarization, or for a quick/qualitative view of the orientation and ellipticity of the polarization, I usually just plot an animation using Comsol's arrow-plot on a surface capability, and watch the E vector sweep around as the wave phase varies. You can do this with the fields in/on your model volume, or you can even do it for *far-field* plots on finite surfaces. For example, you can do an arrow plot of Efarx, Efary, and Efarz on a hemispherical surface around the origin.