Robert Koslover
Certified Consultant
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3 years ago
Dec 23, 2021, 10:59 a.m. EST
Assuming you are comfortable enough with vector math, then this should work for you: Create a cut plane that is located at the position of interest, and which is inclined in accordance with the pitch angle of the helix, such that it is perpendicular to it. In your model, under Results --> Datasets --> Cut Plane 1, go to the Settings pane, expand the Plane Data and change the Plane type to "General". There, you can choose from among two options for specification of the cut plane as either "Three points" or "Point and normal vector". Do some experimenting to see what works best for you. This will let you specify a cut plane at any location and at any orientation that you want.
Scientific Applications & Research Associates (SARA) Inc.
Assuming you are comfortable enough with vector math, then this should work for you: Create a cut plane that is located at the position of interest, and which is inclined in accordance with the pitch angle of the helix, such that it is perpendicular to it. In your model, under Results --> Datasets --> Cut Plane 1, go to the Settings pane, expand the Plane Data and change the Plane type to "General". There, you can choose from among two options for specification of the cut plane as either "Three points" or "Point and normal vector". Do some experimenting to see what works best for you. This will let you specify a cut plane at any location and at any orientation that you want.