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parametrize geometric quantities like element size

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Is there any way of parametrizing geometric quantities like element size? Without it, one can only set 1 element size at a time and run comsol over and over, if there are many element sizes to test.

2 Replies Last Post Jul 13, 2022, 4:21 a.m. EDT
Robert Koslover Certified Consultant

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Posted: 2 years ago Jul 12, 2022, 11:27 p.m. EDT

You can use expressions in your size specifications for meshes. Your expressions can include parameters. Use a user-defined mesh and set the various expressions in them for various domains, surfaces, edges, etc.

Scientific Applications & Research Associates (SARA) Inc.
You can use expressions in your size specifications for meshes. Your expressions can include parameters. Use a *user-defined mesh* and set the various expressions in them for various domains, surfaces, edges, etc.

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Posted: 2 years ago Jul 13, 2022, 4:21 a.m. EDT
Updated: 2 years ago Jul 13, 2022, 8:46 a.m. EDT

Thank you so much.

Thank you so much.

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