COMSOL Inconsistency between geometry and slice plot results

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Hi, everyone!

I am newbie to COMSOL (version 5.3)

I am trying to perform a 3D micromixer (static mixer) simulation under Fluid flow > Single phase > Laminar flow (spf). I imported the geometry (.mpbh) from another file and formed a union - domain 1 corresponds to the region under study and domain 2 corresponds to an helical insert (not applicable to the physics). Wall condition: no-slip. Mesh is physics-controlled-mesh with normal element size.

I computed a stationary study and, apparently, the simulation ran correctly. However, in results>velocity>slice plots (xy), I found an inconsistency between the result and the geometry of the helical insert. Why the slice plot shows the helical insert as a perfect rectangle? When doing a xy cut plane at z=10 mm (geometry>work plane>plane geometry) the intersection shows a polygon because of the “curvature” of the helical insert, as expected [see attached image].

Thanks in advance!


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