the output curve doesn't smoothe properly

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I have a problem when solving a solar radiation on a surface. The input data period is 10 min, both for temperature and solar radiation. But when a make a 1D plot, it seems not to follow this period, or smoothing is not going. Can anybody tell me what can be happening? In the image attached, dot-dashed are real data. continuous line is the simulated surfaces temperature. Time dependent is configurated to (1,10,1430). Each every 10 min.

thanks in advance!


1 Reply Last Post Oct 28, 2024, 2:08 p.m. EDT
Robert Koslover Certified Consultant

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Posted: 4 months ago Oct 28, 2024, 2:08 p.m. EDT

I can't say for sure based on the info you provided, but I'll make a guess. When you set up a time domain model, there are usually time steps you specify for computation purposes and time steps you specify for storing of the output data. These are not necessarily the same; often, the output/stored times are at less frequent intervals. Also, the default solver-settings time steps are seldom strict or even uniformly stepped, so that complicates matters also. Take a good look at your time stepping settings regarding both computation and output, the latter which will determine how many points actually show up in your Results plots. If the issue isn't there, then check if you are telling it to plot all the data or, perhaps, only some limited number of points.

Scientific Applications & Research Associates (SARA) Inc.
I can't say for sure based on the info you provided, but I'll make a guess. When you set up a time domain model, there are usually time steps you specify for computation purposes and time steps you specify for storing of the output data. These are not necessarily the same; often, the output/stored times are at less frequent intervals. Also, the default solver-settings time steps are seldom strict or even uniformly stepped, so that complicates matters also. Take a good look at your time stepping settings regarding both *computation* and *output*, the latter which will determine how many points actually show up in your Results plots. If the issue isn't there, then check if you are telling it to plot *all* the data or, perhaps, only some limited number of points.


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