contact gap

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In the COMSOL Solid Mechanics Module Simulating contact between solid surfaces in a fluid, contact pairs are defined, and the distance away from the target surface defined in the Solid Mechanics Module as delta is a non-zero positive value representing the actual contact gap, which is intended to maintain the topology of the fluid region in order to maintain the topology of the fluid without true solid contact. In the 2D model, by applying a suitable mesh on the solid surface (boundary layer mesh and other techniques, suitable size of the characteristic contact stiffness), the transient simulation can indeed maintain the existence of a contact gap delta between the contacting source surface and the target surface. however, in the 3D model, the gap cannot be maintained, and the gap between the contacting surfaces gets smaller and smaller with the advancement of time, and it is found that by invoking the distance from the contacting gap, the 3D calculations The set gap offset delta is not a fixed value as I give it, but it is getting smaller and smaller as time progresses (the characteristic contact stiffness is already large enough). Help on how to achieve contact offset maintenance in transient contact simulations of solid surfaces in 3D modeled fluids

0 Replies Last Post Jan 9, 2025, 12:08 a.m. EST
COMSOL Moderator

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