Get shear wave speed in elastic module

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Hi, recently I started to work with the Elastic Waves module. My goal is to get the shear wave speed in a gelatinous material. In the attached file I'm using a material with:

  • Density (rho) 1000 kg/m^3
  • Young's Modulus (E) 8.333 kPa
  • Poisson's ratio (nu) 0.4999

These are the equations I'm using in order to get the E for a specific cs

So, for 8.333 kPa I should get 5 m/s, but the cs plot computes 1.67 m/s for the material. Why?

1 Reply Last Post Feb 12, 2025, 7:57 a.m. EST
Henrik Sönnerlind COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 4 weeks ago Feb 12, 2025, 7:57 a.m. EST

I don't at all understand your math, but

Henrik Sönnerlind
I don't at all understand your math, but c_s = \sqrt{\frac{G}{\rho}} = \; \{ \textrm {Incompressible}\} \; = \sqrt{\frac{E}{3\rho}} = \sqrt{\frac{8.333\cdot 10^3}{3 \cdot 1000}} = \sqrt{\frac{8.333}{3}} = 1.67


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