Bending of Clamped orthotropic rectangular plate due to uniform load

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Hello, I am trying to model a very simple problem wherein a clamped orthotropic rectangular plate is bending due to a uniform load acting on it. I am modeling it as a Shell wherein Plane stress formulation will be implemented. I am solving it for the following Linear Elastic Material settings: 1. Solid Model: Orthotropic; 2. Material data ordering: Voigt; 3. Young's Modulus: E (User-defined) Ex=130GPa, Ey=130GPa, Ez=0; 4. Poisson's ratio: nu (User-defined) nu_xy=0.28, nu_yz=0, nu_xz=0; 5. Shear modulus: G (User-defined) Gyz=79.6GPa, Gxz=79.6GPa, Gxy=79.6GPa;

Subsequently, the following are the settings in the Shell Local System node: 1. Coordinate System Selection: Global Coordinate System

Extra information: I am using an orthotropic stiffness matrix for silicon with three axes at [100], [010], and[001]. Reference: Hopcroft et al. : What is the Young's Modulus of Silicon? Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol.19, No.2, April 2010.

My question here is what is coordinate system that COMSOL will use for defining the material properties?

1 Reply Last Post Feb 18, 2025, 8:38 a.m. EST
Henrik Sönnerlind COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 3 weeks ago Feb 18, 2025, 8:38 a.m. EST

The material properties are interpreted as in the Shell Local System, that is in your case global (X,Y,Z).

Documentation links:!/!/!/

Henrik Sönnerlind
The material properties are interpreted as in the Shell Local System, that is in your case global (X,Y,Z). Documentation links:


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