Evaluate how much charge deposited on wall

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Hello I see in the documentation of Comsol 6.3 that

This text bellow is from documentation Electron Density Wall Settings The Use wall for electron density checkbox is selected by default and deactivates the wall boundary condition for the electron density only. When activated, the flux of electrons lost to the wall is self-consistently computed based on the electron temperature and electron density adjacent to the wall. When this is deactivated, the flux term is no longer applied for the corresponding equation, and the software will impose a zero flux boundary condition for that dependent variable. Select or enter a value for the Secondary emission flux (SI unit: 1/m2·s)). The secondary emission flux can either be a user-defined expression or come from another physics interface, typically The Heavy Species Transport Interface. When using this boundary condition in the Plasma interface, this setting is not editable, and the secondary emission flux comes from the surface reactions.

My question is this Please tell me if this understanding is correct. Suppose i do a electrostatic discharge and give wall boundary condition i can estimate how much electrons got deposited on the wall? If so how can i visualize it?


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