2D Simulation of PDMS Membrane with PEG-PCL-DA Hydrogel Reservoir

Ema Nunez Biomedical Engineering

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I am trying to model the stress experienced within a PEG-PCL-DA hydrogel reservoir which will house cells. I am using a 2D, solid mechanics, time-dependent study to do so. I have created a rectangular membrane made of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) with a stationary end and a moving end, this end will be stretched at the strain rates 5%, 10%, and 12.5%. Within the rectangular membrane is a rectangular reservoir with the assigned material, PEG-PCL-DA hydrogel. The model is time dependent and is stretched for 0.2 seconds. I want to set up a cyclic time dependent study to include a retraction phase for 0.4 seconds after reaching a distance of 2mm, but am unsure about how to set up a piecewise or interpolation function. Any thoughts or advice? I have attached my .mph file for reference.


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