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COMSOL 4.4 Installation-Error

Krishnamoorthy Pitchai

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I am trying to install COMSOL 4.4 in my machine. I have already installed COMSOL 4.3b and its license manager. I would like to keep 4.3b version in my machine too. When I setup a new license manager for 4.4, and open the COMSOL 4.4, I am getting the following error.

License error: -25
License server system does not support this version of this product.

Could anyone help on this?.


2 Replies Last Post Dec 12, 2013, 1:38 p.m. EST
Nick Snaith COMSOL Employee

Please login with a confirmed email address before reporting spam

Posted: 1 decade ago Dec 12, 2013, 9:35 a.m. EST
Hi Krish,

It appears that you have not updated your license manager completely. Please refer to this link for instructions:

After you have completed these steps, please be sure to restart the license manager.

Best regards,
Nick Snaith
Hi Krish, It appears that you have not updated your license manager completely. Please refer to this link for instructions: After you have completed these steps, please be sure to restart the license manager. Best regards, Nick Snaith COMSOL, Inc.

Krishnamoorthy Pitchai

Please login with a confirmed email address before reporting spam

Posted: 1 decade ago Dec 12, 2013, 1:38 p.m. EST
Hi Nick,

Thank you very much. It worked for me now.

Hi Nick, Thank you very much. It worked for me now. Thanks, Krish

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