% COMSOL Multiphysics Model M-file % Generated by COMSOL 3.4 (COMSOL, $Date: 2008/01/24 15:34:30 $) clear %Loop Parameters %tmin = 1; %tmax = 2; smin = 1; smax = 15; %Defining constants T = 300; kb = 1.38E-23; e = 1.602E-19; epsilon0 = 8.85E-12; epsilon1 = 11.7*epsilon0; epsilon2 = 4*epsilon0; epsilon3 = 4*epsilon0; epsilon4 = 78*epsilon0; %Physical parameters L = 10E-6; %Length of Wire r = 10E-9; %Radius of wire d = 1E-9; %Thickness of Oxide f = 1E-9; %Thickness of functional layer liq = 400E-9; %Thickness of liquid %Doping parameters n0 = 1.2E21; ni = 1E16; p0 = ni.^2./n0; %mobility un = 1300/1E4; up = 500/1E4; %Surface Charge Sigma12 = 0; Sigma23 = 0; Q1 = 0.05E14; pKa1 = 7.21; pH = [7, linspace(4,8.5,smax)]; Sigma34 = [Q1 ./ (1 + 10.^(pH - pKa1))]; %Charge Density rho3 = 0; %Ion concentration c0 = [10*6.022E23]; Z = 1; for j = smin:smax+1 flclear fem % COMSOL version clear vrsn vrsn.name = 'COMSOL 3.4'; vrsn.ext = ''; vrsn.major = 0; vrsn.build = 250; vrsn.rcs = '$Name: $'; vrsn.date = '$Date: 2008/01/24 15:34:30 $'; fem.version = vrsn; % Geometry g1=circ2(r,'base','center','pos',{'0','0'},'rot','0'); g2=circ2(r+d,'base','center','pos',{'0','0'},'rot','0'); g3=circ2(r+d+f,'base','center','pos',{'0','0'},'rot','0'); g4=circ2(r+d+f+liq,'base','center','pos',{'0','0'},'rot','0'); % Constants fem.const = {'epsilon0',epsilon0, ... 'epsilon1',epsilon1, ... 'epsilon2',epsilon2, ... 'epsilon3',epsilon3, ... 'epsilon4',epsilon4, ... 'e',e, ... 'n0',n0, ... 'L', L, ... 'un', un, ... 'up', up, ... 'ni',ni, ... 'p0',p0, ... 'kb',kb, ... 'T',T, ... 'Z',Z, ... 'pi',pi, ... 'c0',c0, ... 'rho3',rho3, ... 'sigma12',Sigma12, ... 'sigma23',Sigma23, ... 'sigma34',Sigma34(j).*e.*1E2.*1E2}; % Geometry % Analyzed geometry clear s s.objs={g1,g2,g3,g4}; s.name={'Wire','Oxide','Func','Liquid'}; s.tags={'g1','g2','g3','g4'}; fem.draw=struct('s',s); fem.geom=geomcsg(fem); % Initialize mesh fem.mesh=meshinit(fem, ... 'hauto',5); % Refine mesh fem.mesh=meshrefine(fem, ... 'mcase',0, ... 'rmethod','regular'); % (Default values are not included) % Application mode 1 clear appl appl.mode.class = 'Poisson'; appl.border = 'on'; appl.assignsuffix = '_poeq'; clear bnd bnd.g = {0,'-sigma34','-sigma23','-sigma12'}; bnd.type = {'dir','neu','neu','neu'}; bnd.ind = [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1]; appl.bnd = bnd; clear equ equ.f = {'-2*Z*e*c0*sinh(Z*e*u/(kb*T))','rho3',0,'-e*(n0-p0-n0*exp(-e*u/(kb*T))+p0*exp(e*u/(kb*T)))'}; equ.c = {'epsilon4','epsilon3','epsilon2','epsilon1'}; equ.ind = [1,2,3,4]; appl.equ = equ; fem.appl{1} = appl; fem.frame = {'ref'}; fem.border = 1; clear units; units.basesystem = 'SI'; fem.units = units; % Descriptions clear descr descr.const= {'n0','Electron density','e','Electron Charge','p0','Hole density','sigma23','oxide-func','epsilon4','Dielectric constant of liquid','T','Temperature','epsilon3','Dielectric constant of func','sigma12','Surface charge silicon-oxide','epsilon2','Dielectric constant of oxide','rho3','Charge distribution of func','sigma34','func-liquid','c0','Ion concentration','kb','Boltzmann constant','ni','Intrinsic charge','epsilon1','Dielectric constant of silicon','epsilon0','Dieelctric constant','Z','Electronic charge'}; fem.descr = descr; % ODE Settings clear ode clear units; units.basesystem = 'SI'; ode.units = units; fem.ode=ode; % Multiphysics fem=multiphysics(fem); % Extend mesh fem.xmesh=meshextend(fem); % Solve problem fem.sol=femstatic(fem, ... 'solcomp',{'u'}, ... 'outcomp',{'u'}); % Save current fem structure for restart purposes fem0=fem; G(j)=postint(fem,'1/L*e*(un*n0*exp(-e*u/(kb*T))+up*p0*exp(e*u/(kb*T)))', ... 'unit','', ... 'dl',[4]); PercentageCompleted = ((j)/(smax))*100 end for j=2:smax+1 GG(j-1) = (G(j)-G(1))/G(1)*100; pH2(j-1) = pH(j) end plot(pH2,GG,'x-b') xlabel('pH') ylabel('\DeltaR / R_0 [%]') title('Change in resistance as a function of pH') legend('Theoretical Model')