3D Electrochemical and Thermal Analysis of a Prismatic Lithium Battery

Application ID: 124881

Prismatic lithium cells are widely used in electric vehicles and battery energy storage systems.

This example demonstrates the use of the Lithium-Ion Battery interface for a full 3D prismatic battery equipped with two jelly rolls. The model defines a full so-called Newman model but also includes a local thermal balance that takes into account heat sources from the irreversible activation losses and ohmic losses (Joule heating), as well as reversible losses due to reversible entropy changes.

Compared to the pseudo-2D models, the 3D model is able to resolve:

  • Nonuniformities in local current density and state of charge in the cell along the length of the jelly roll, especially during high-rate charging and discharging cycles
  • Geometrical effects introduced by the position of the tabs and overhangs of parts of the jelly roll
  • Full spatial coupling between the electrochemistry and the heat transfer equations, i.e. without spatial average approximations
  • The extra dimension for the intercalation equations inside the particles at every point in the electrodes (x, y, z), thereby making this a pseudo-4D model (3D plus the extra dimensions of the particles' radius)

This model example illustrates applications of this type that would nominally be built using the following products: