rho_Cd 8.64[g/cm^3] "Density of Cd" rho_CdO2H2 4.79[g/cm^3] "Density of Cd(OH)2" M_Cd 112.4[g/mol] "Molar mass, Cd" a_Cd 4000[cm^2/cm^3] "Specific active surface area, Cd (negative) electrode" M_CdO2H2 146.4[g/mol] "Molar mass, Cd(OH)2" L_neg 2.3[g/cm^3] "Loading of Cd(OH)2 in negative electrode" epsilon0_N 0.80 "Porosity of the Cd substrate in the negative electrode" epsilon_3_max epsilon0_N*(1-L_neg/rho_Cd*M_Cd/M_CdO2H2) "Porosity of the negative electrode, fully charged" epsilon_3_min epsilon0_N*(1-L_neg/rho_CdO2H2) "Porosity of the negative electrode, fully discharged"