E_ref_pos 0.427[V]-R_const*T/F_const*log(c_H_ref/(c_H_max-c_H_ref)) "Reference electrode potential, positive electrode reaction" E_ref_OER 0.401[V]-E_RE+R_const*T/(4*F_const)*log(P_O2_ref/1[atm]) "Reference electrode potential, ORR/OER" E_ref_neg -0.808[V]-E_RE "Reference electrode potential, negative electrode reaction" E_RE 0.0983[V] "Reference electrode (Hg/HgO) potential" alpha_a_1 0.5 "Anodic transfer coefficient, NiOOH <=> Ni(OH)2 reaction" alpha_a_2 1.5 "Anodic transfer coefficient, OER/ORR, positive electrode" alpha_a_3 1 "Anodic transfer coefficient, Cd <=> Cd(OH)2 reaction" alpha_a_4 alpha_a_2 "Anodic transfer coefficient, OER/ORR, negative electrode" i0_1_ref 6.1*10^-5[A/cm^2] "Exchange current density, NiOOH <=> Ni(OH)2 reaction" i0_2_ref 1*10^-11[A/cm^2] "Exchange current density, OER/ORR, positive electrode" i0_3_ref i0_1_ref "Exchange current density, Cd <=> Cd(OH)2 reaction" c_ref 7.1*10^-3[mol/cm^3] "Reference concentration of the binary electrolyte" c_O2_ref 10^-7[mol/cm^3] "Solubility of oxygen in 35 wt% KOH solution w. 1 atm pressure of O2 in gas phase."