a_Ni 3864[cm^2/cm^3] "Specific active surface area, Ni (positive) electrode" M_NiO2H2 92.71[g/mol] "Molar mass, Ni(OH)2" epsilon0_P 0.85 "Porosity of the Ni substrate in the positive electrode" rho_NiO2H2 4.83[g/cm^3] "Density of Ni(OH)2" c_H_max rho_NiO2H2/M_NiO2H2 "Maximum proton concentration" c_H_ref 0.5*c_H_max "Reference proton concentration in the active material" D_H 4.6*10^-11[cm^2/s] "Diffusivity of H in positive electrode" epss Q_max/(F_const*c_H_max*l_pos) "Ni electrode solid volume fraction"