Pr_cool 0.72 "Cooling Prandtl number" U_suction_side 450[m/s] "Gas velocity on stator suction side" U_pressure_side 300[m/s] "Gas velocity on stator pressure side" U_platform 350[m/s] "Gas velocity along platform walls" T_gas 1150[K] "Gas temperature" p_high 30[bar] "High pressure level" mu_cool 3.1e-5[Pa*s] "Viscosity of the cooling air" Cp_cool 770[J/kg/K] "Heat capacity of the cooling air" T_cool 650[K] "Cooling air temperature" H_cool 0.01[m] "Characteristic length scale of cooling channels" T_work 900[K] "Working temperature" Nu_cool 400 "Average Nusselt number in cooling channel"