NACA Airfoil Optimization
Application ID: 30681
The aerodynamic properties of a wing, propeller, or turbine blade are to a large extent determined by the precise shape of the airfoil that is used. The NACA Airfoil Optimization application computes the two main aerodynamic properties (the lift and drag coefficients) of a fully parameterized NACA airfoil. It can be used to visualize how changes to the airfoil thickness, camber, and chord length affect the aerodynamics.
When you enter the fluid flow's Reynolds number into the simulation app, the appropriate fluid flow interfaces and meshes are automatically chosen based on this number. Low Reynolds number simulations are performed with the Laminar Flow interface, while high Reynolds number simulations use the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model, which has been specifically developed for airfoil design simulations.
The airfoil geometry is fully parameterized and you can choose to either enter the airfoil's dimensions directly or let the app’s optimization solver find the optimal geometry in order to maximize the lift-to-drag ratio.

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