SmartUQ Engineering Analytics Light-Weighting Application with COMSOL FEA Bracket Example
Application ID: 67581
For decades, light-weighting has been a major area of research and concern in the automotive and aerospace industries. Industry leaders are adopting new software tools and investing ever greater engineering resources in adapting and optimizing their designs to be as lightweight and durable as possible. This paper documents an application of SmartUQ’s engineering analytics capabilities to a mounting bracket subject to fatigue testing. This demonstration will detail the process of parameterizing a design, generating training data, and developing and improving sets of surrogate models. SmartUQ analytics tools are then used to optimize the design, zero in on key design parameters to inform future design decisions, and quantify the uncertainties around the optimal bracket configuration. A light weight design for the bracket is developed and shown to be robust to uncertainty. The geometry and FEA setup were based on COMSOL’s application library bracket example.
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