Current Density, Electric Field and AC Loss Simulation of Mono Block and Single Layer Polygonal HTS Cable Using COMSOL Multiphysics
High temperature super conducting (HTS) cables are gaining attentions for their ability to transmit more power compared to their convention counterparts with essentially no resistance and electromagnetic emissions. They are also appropriate for solving the grid congestion problem in the power corridors with their reduced size and weight. But the AC loss that occurs in the HTS cables reduces the efficiency of the power transfer system. Thus the investigation of AC loss in HTS cables and its reduction are important.
In this paper, two dimensional numerical analysis of AC loss of the mono block HTS cable and a single layer polygonal cable with different number of HTS tapes is done using PDE module of COMSOL Multiphysics. The AC loss values are lowered with the use twisted tapes. The 3D simulation using COMSOL Multiphysics will help in design and modification of the HTS cable with low values of AC loss. The 2D simulation results are verified with the analytical calculations.

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