Design and Optimization of an All Optically Driven Phase Correction MEMS Deformable Mirror Device using Finite Element Analysis

V. Mathur[1], K. Anglin[1], V.S. Prasher[1], K. Termkoa[1], S.R. Vangala[1], X. Qian[1], J. Sherwood[1], W.D. Goodhue[1], B. Haji-Saeed[2], and J. Khoury[2]

[1]Photonics Center, University of Massachusetts-Lowell, Lowell, Massachusetts, USA
[2]Air Force Research Laboratory/Sensors Directorate, Hanscom Air Force Base, Massachusetts, USA
Published in 2009

Optically addressable MEMS mirrors are required for future high density adaptive optics array systems. We have demonstrated a novel technique of achieving this by actuating low stress Silicon Nitride micro mirrors via cascaded wafer bonded Gallium Arsenide photo detectors on Gallium Phosphide. In the work reported here, we discuss the key design parameters of the device, and present the finite element method simulation results using COMSOL Multiphysics package to optimize the devices.
