Modeling Micromechanics of Eigenstrain in Heterogeneous Media
Dr. Tewari is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at IIT Bombay. Prior to this he was a staff researcher at the General Motors Global R&D Center, Bangalore. He graduated with a B.Tech degree from IIT Kanpur followed by an MS and Ph.D. from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA. His area of research is in mathematical models for microstructural-mechanics. He has extensively published in international journals and has 10 international patent applications. His pioneering work in 3D microscopy has been widely cited including reproduction in ASM handbooks. He is on the review board of Metallurgical and Materials Transactions and is a reviewer for several international journals, to name a few prominent ones: Proceedings of Royal Society of London, Acta Materialia, and International Journal of Fracture.

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