Numerical Investigation of Strouhal Frequencies of Two Staggered Bluff Bodies
A 2-D unsteady viscous flow around two cylinders is studied by numerical solutions of the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations with a finite element formulation using COMSOL Multiphysics®. The results of a numerical investigation of the Strouhal frequencies of two identical, stationary, parallel circular cylinders arranged in staggered configurations is presented in this paper. A simple two cylinder tandem arrangement is validated for a certain range of values of spacing ratio (L/D) with few previously published results. Results of measurements of the Strouhal frequencies of circular cylinders arranged in tandem and in some selected staggered configurations are also presented. In the present case of two circular cylinders, the numerical analysis is carried out at different staggered angles , and lift and drag forces are calculated.

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