In accordance with our Quality Policy, COMSOL maintains a library of hundreds of documented model examples that are regularly tested against the latest version of the COMSOL Multiphysics® software, including benchmark problems from ASME and NAFEMS, as well as TEAM problems.
Our Verification and Validation (V&V) test suite provides consistently accurate solutions that are compared against analytical results and established benchmark data. The documented models below are part of the COMSOL Multiphysics® software’s built-in Application Libraries. They include reference values and sources for a wide range of benchmarks, as well as step-by-step instructions to reproduce the expected results on your own computer. You can use these models not only to document your software quality assurance (SQA) and numerical code verification (NCV) efforts, but also as part of an in-house training program.
In a polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzer cell (PEMEC), the two electrode compartments are separated by a polymer membrane. Liquid water is fed to the anode side, forming oxygen gas on the anode, and hydrogen gas on the cathode side, respectively. The respective designs of the ... Read More
This model simulates the flow around an inclined NACA 0012 airfoil at different angles of attack using the SST turbulence model. The results show good agreement with the experimental lift data of Ladson and the pressure data of Gregory and O’Reilly. Read More
This example simulates 3D unsteady laminar flow past a cylinder in a channel. The inflow velocity profile is time-varying. The lift and drag coefficients are computed, and results show good agreement with those published in the literature. Read More
Emulsions consist of small liquid droplets immersed in an immiscible liquid and widely occur in the production of food, cosmetics, fine chemicals, and pharmaceutical products. The quality of the product is typically dependent on the size of the droplets. Simulating these processes can ... Read More
The Ahmed body represents a simplified, ground vehicle geometry of a bluff body type. Its shape is simple enough to allow for accurate flow simulation but retains some important practical features relevant to automobile bodies. This model describes how to calculate the turbulent flow ... Read More
This model is a benchmark for three-phase flow commonly used in food processing, pharmaceutical industry, and chemical processing. The results are validated against data reported in the literature. A gas bubble rises through two layers of liquid, a lighter liquid resting on top of a ... Read More
Liquid-solid mixtures (suspensions) are important in a variety of industrial fields, such as oil and gas refinement, paper manufacturing, food processing, slurry transport, and wastewater treatment. Several different modeling approaches have been developed by the CFD community, ranging ... Read More
In this benchmark model for blood flow in a centrifugal pump, simulations are performed for several flow rates and pump speeds. The modeled geometry is taken from the FDA’s Computational Round Robin and the results are in good agreement with the experimental data. The computed shear ... Read More
This example illustrates multiphase flow modeling in an airlift loop reactor. The reactor is filled with water and air bubbles are injected at the bottom through two frits. Due to buoyancy, the bubbles rise, inducing a circulating motion of the liquid. The model specifically investigates ... Read More
The backward facing step is an interesting case for studying the performance and solution strategy of a turbulence model. In this case, the flow is subjected to a sudden increase of cross-sectional area, resulting in a separation of flow starting at the point of expansion. Spatial ... Read More