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Displaying entries 11-20 out of 71.
Paper Mechanics and the Benefits of Modeling Paperboard Formation |
Not rated
Formation is a fundamental physical characteristic of paper that can have profound effects on the production and performance of that paper. The finite element method can be utilized to better... |
Modeling Multi-Ply Materials with Composite Materials Technology |
2 reviews
There are several ways to model multi-ply materials such as paperboard. Using a solid model with a thin domain for each layer is an obvious solution, but COMSOL also provides specific tools for... |
In silico assessment of electrophysiological neuronal recordings mediated by magnetoelectric nanoparticles |
5 reviews
Magnetoelectric materials hold untapped potential to revolutionize biomedical technologies. Sensing of biophysical processes in the brain is a particularly attractive application, with the prospect... |
Enlarged GSTCs simulations in the frequency domain |
5 reviews
This archive provide the 2D and 3D models used in our paper Nicolas Lebbe, Kim Pham and Agnès Maurel, "Stable GSTC formulation for Maxwell’s equations", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and... |
Investigation of 1D Compressible Navier Stokes Using Equation-Based Modeling
James D Freels, ORNL (retired), Adjunct Faculty and A. J. Baker, Professor Emeritus, both with The University of Tennessee/Knoxville |
3 reviews
The subject paper was presented at the 2020 COMSOL Virtual Boston Conference and received the best paper award. At that time, the author committed to releasing an application to reproduce the... |
Chirality of plasmonic structure
Yuan Zhiyi, Nanyang Technological University |
5 reviews
Circular dichroism is useful in chirality sensing. This archive provide the 3D models for calculating circular dichroism of plasmonic chiral structure. |
Elastic Relaxation of Pre-stressed Bilayer Clamped Only At One Edge
Peter Cendula, Institute of Aurel Stodola |
5 reviews
In recent decade, the principle of bimetal bending was exploited in the field of thin films. Rolled-up micro- to nanotubes with multiple windings were obtained with this technology as well as... |
Classic DLVO Equivalent Sphere in COMSOL: Derjaguin Approximation
Allan Gomez, Chonbuk National University |
7 reviews
The interaction energies of colloids according to Classic DLVO based on the Derjaguin Approximation. The Classic DLVO consists of the non-retarded Attractive van der Waals interaction and the... |
Conf EU 2020 Simple stress concentration examples
Ivar KJELBERG, CSEM SA (Switzerland) |
3 reviews
The 4 models, with certainly perfectible Apps, are to illustrate the stress concentrations effects for structural interfaces. They allow to adapt the discretisation and the mesh refinement, as... |
Numerical modeling of active thermo-plasmonics experiments
Giuseppe Emanuele Lio, CNR-Nanotec and Unical, Univeristy of Calabria, Rende, Cosenza |
14 reviews
In this tool, we present a simple and robust numerical method able to predict, with high accuracy, the photo-thermal effects occurring for a gold nanoparticles arrangement under externally applied... |