Seeing 3D mesh as 2D surfaces

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I performed mesh in my 3D geometry and when I use clipping tool, I cannot see the 3D mesh part, I see only 2D surface meshes.

9 Replies Last Post Feb 20, 2025, 5:16 a.m. EST
Acculution ApS Certified Consultant

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Posted: 1 month ago Feb 3, 2025, 4:02 a.m. EST

I am not sure you can do that with the clipping tool, but under results (just run some empty/simple study) you can visualize the mesh and add filters to cut through it on a volume level.

René Christensen, PhD
Acculution ApS
I am not sure you can do that with the clipping tool, but under results (just run some empty/simple study) you can visualize the mesh and add filters to cut through it on a volume level.

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Posted: 4 weeks ago Feb 14, 2025, 7:29 a.m. EST

Thank you for your reply, but I tried it. Still I cannot see the 3D meshes I only see 2D surfaces.

Thank you for your reply, but I tried it. Still I cannot see the 3D meshes I only see 2D surfaces.

Acculution ApS Certified Consultant

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Posted: 4 weeks ago Feb 14, 2025, 7:36 a.m. EST

Are your sure you have not made a surface mesh on your domain then? Can you upload the file?

René Christensen, PhD
Acculution ApS
Are your sure you have not made a surface mesh on your domain then? Can you upload the file?

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Posted: 3 weeks ago Feb 17, 2025, 9:02 a.m. EST
Updated: 3 weeks ago Feb 17, 2025, 9:39 a.m. EST

hi, sorry for late answer. i will send the file as soon as possible.

hi, sorry for late answer. i will send the file as soon as possible.

Acculution ApS Certified Consultant

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Posted: 3 weeks ago Feb 18, 2025, 6:56 a.m. EST

Cool. Make sure that you try first in post-processing to have 3D Plot Group->Mesh, change Level from Surface to Volume, and then right-click and choose Filter and x>0.1 or something. That should give you a cut into the mesh.

René Christensen, PhD
Acculution ApS
Cool. Make sure that you try first in post-processing to have 3D Plot Group->Mesh, change Level from Surface to Volume, and then right-click and choose Filter and x>0.1 or something. That should give you a cut into the mesh.

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Posted: 3 weeks ago Feb 18, 2025, 8:37 a.m. EST

Yes, I tried filtering, still did not work. I am sending the file now.

Yes, I tried filtering, still did not work. I am sending the file now.

Acculution ApS Certified Consultant

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Posted: 3 weeks ago Feb 18, 2025, 9:55 a.m. EST
Updated: 3 weeks ago Feb 18, 2025, 9:55 a.m. EST

To do what I suggest, you need to solve a Study. I put a some PDE/frequency study in there, and then in the results node you can see the volume mesh. Not sure if this can be done via the clipping feature without running a study, but you can ask COMSOL Support.

René Christensen, PhD
Acculution ApS
To do what I suggest, you need to solve a Study. I put a some PDE/frequency study in there, and then in the results node you can see the volume mesh. Not sure if this can be done via the clipping feature without running a study, but you can ask COMSOL Support.

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Posted: 3 weeks ago Feb 19, 2025, 7:23 a.m. EST
Updated: 3 weeks ago Feb 19, 2025, 7:29 a.m. EST

you need to solve a Study. I put a some PDE/frequency study ....

As I understand, a study is not necessary. Just right-click on Mesh 1 (after mesh build) and click 'Plot'.

Nice Greetings

>you need to solve a Study. I put a some PDE/frequency study .... As I understand, a study is not necessary. Just right-click on Mesh 1 (after mesh build) and click 'Plot'. Nice Greetings

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Posted: 3 weeks ago Feb 20, 2025, 5:16 a.m. EST

Still I cannot see the 3D meshes I only see 2D surfaces.

Build the mesh, then right-click on the Mesh 1 node and click 'Plot'. A mesh-plot will be created. There reduce 'Shrink Elements' to 0.9 and add Transparency as subnode.

In Applications Libraries->COMSOL Multiphysics->Meshing Tutorials->bracket_swept_mesh is a nice example for seeing 3D Meshes. Mesh Plot 1 is prepared but mesh must be build before.

Nice Greetings

>Still I cannot see the 3D meshes I only see 2D surfaces. Build the mesh, then right-click on the Mesh 1 node and click 'Plot'. A mesh-plot will be created. There reduce 'Shrink Elements' to 0.9 and add Transparency as subnode. In Applications Libraries->COMSOL Multiphysics->Meshing Tutorials->bracket_swept_mesh is a nice example for seeing 3D Meshes. Mesh Plot 1 is prepared but mesh must be build before. Nice Greetings


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