Multibody Dynamics Module Updates
Friction in Cam-Followers
In cam-followers, the frictional loss that arises due to the interaction between the cam and the follower surfaces often leads to loss of energy. The new Friction subnode under the Cam-Follower node can be used to model frictional losses in a cam-follower system. The friction force is modeled using a smooth and numerically robust continuous friction law that is available for time-dependent studies.

Prescribed Velocity and Prescribed Acceleration
It is now possible to specify the velocity or acceleration of an elastic domain or a boundary in a multibody simulation by using the new Prescribed Velocity and Prescribed Acceleration features. These features can be used to prescribe velocity or acceleration data in one or more directions in time-dependent and frequency studies. The harmonic variation of the prescribed quantity in a frequency domain analysis of perturbation type can also be included.
Measure Relative Values
For multibody systems, a new Measure node makes it easy to compute the relative displacement, velocity, acceleration, or any other quantities between two selected points in a given coordinate system. A set of built-in variables are available under Result Templates for postprocessing.

New Tutorial Model
COMSOL Multiphysics® version 6.3 brings a new tutorial model to the Multibody Dynamics Module.
Gear Shifting in a Sequential Gearbox
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